Pioneer PL-112D, PL-115D, and PL-117D Turntable Isolation Feet (Set Of Four)

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  • Regular price $180.00
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New Pioneer PL-112D, PL-115D, and PL-117D Turntable Isolation and Upgrade Replacement Feet. Sold in set of four and made in USA by Mnpctech's workshop.


Includes four 10/32 thread screws with washers and nuts.

Pioneer PL-112D, PL-115D, and PL-117D Turntable Isolation Feet Are The Best UpGrade for your new Needle Cartridge.

Pioneer PL-112D, PL-115D, and PL-117D Turntable Isolation Pedestals and Platform Replaces Worn Out factory Feet.

How To Install Mnpctech Pioneer PL-112D or 115D and 117D new turntable feet.

Install our feet in the smaller factory foot hole in base cover.

How To Install Mnpctech's New Pioneer PL-112D or 115D and 117D new turntable feet.

Insert screw into Mnpctech foot and then insert foot into bottom cover.

How To Install Mnpctech included screw in Pioneer PL-112D or 115D and 117D new turntable feet.

Included 10/32 thread screw inserted into small hole for mounting feet.

How To Install Mnpctech Washer Pioneer PL-112D or 115D and 117D new turntable feet.

Install included washer over the mounting screw.

How To Fasten In Mnpctech Pioneer PL-112D or 115D and 117D new turntable feet.

Attach nylon locking nut onto the mounting screw.

How To Install Mnpctech Pioneer PL-112D or 115D and 117D new turntable feet.

Your new Mnpctech isolation feet are installed!

Where can I buy new feet for my Pioneer PL-112D, PL-115D, and PL-117D Turntable.

Another close-up glimpse at the new Mnpctech anti-vibration / isolation feet upgrade for the Pioneer PL-112D, PL-115D, and PL-117D model Turntables.

Pioneer PL-112D, PL-115D, and vintage PL-117D Turntable Isolation Feet.

The complete line up of Mnpctech's new anti-vibration / isolation feet upgrade for the Pioneer PL-112D, PL-115D, and PL-117D model Turntables.