Custom Goldring Lenco 88 Turntable Restoration Isolation Feet

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Custom Goldring Lenco 88 Turntable Restoration Isolation Feet

Custom Goldring Lenco 88 Turntable Restoration by Karl Cotleanu.

Buy Custom Goldring Lenco 88 Turntable Restoration Isolation Feet Guide

The Turntable is a Goldring Lenco 88 from 1964. It has a custom plinth that I designed made from oak with these M6 Lenco Turntable Isolation Feet

Best Size Needle Cartridge Used Goldring Lenco 88 Turntable Record Player Phono Restoration Isolation Feet For Sale

The arm at the rear is a Hadcock 242 with a London Decca Gold mk IV stereo cartridge, and the arm on the side is a vintage Audio Technica 1503 mk1 circa 1961 with a Miyajima Zero mono cartridge. Link to Lenco Turntable Feet.

Best Size Needle Cartridge Used Goldring Lenco 88 Turntable Restoration Isolation Feet For Sale

Everything has been rebuilt using ceramic hybrid bearings including the arms and the turntable main bearing itself. The motor on this "idler drive" turntable is massive and needs a heavy plinth to deal with the internal vibrations generated by the torque load. That is where the Mnpctech Lenco neoprene record player / phonograph / turntable feet come into play, as they help to damp vibrations, and also minimize them from reflecting back into the plinth, which can cause the tonearm to jump out of the groove.

Recommend Best Needle Cartridge Arm For Goldring Lenco 88 Turntable Restoration Isolation Feet For Sale

The Mnpctech custom Lenco M6 thread turntable feet make the turntable look more substantial, and are purpose built. 

Need New Tone Arm Cartridge Used Goldring Lenco 88 Turntable Restoration Isolation Feet For Sale

They put the finishing touches on my turntable both aesthetically, and mechanically. Excellent!!


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