Universal Laser C-200 Laser Kiosk UL-25 Watt Resurrection & Resource Page.
Universal Laser C-200 Laser Kiosk UL-25 Watt Resource Links.
Universal Laser C-200 Laser Kiosk User Manual Download PDF
Universal Laser MVX Windows 7 Printer Firmware Driver WinZipfile
Universal Laser MVX Windows 7 Firmware Install Instructions PDF
Replacement Gas Lifts for Universal Laser C-200 Laser Kiosk Cover Part Number 3028EQ for $23.50 from Monroe Magnus
Hello, I will assume you discovered this page while searching for information on used Universal Laser C-200 Engraver / Laser Kiosks. I created this page because there was no information before I purchased my unit. This page will serve as a journal to document my experiences in resurrecting a used Universal Laser C-200 Laser Kiosk machine. You'll notice that I will use description "Universal Laser C-200 Laser Kiosk" often. This is to help my page get discovered in search engine results.
November 26th, 2020
I bought this used Universal Laser C-200 Laser Kiosk for $1000. It's UL-25 Watt model built in 2001 with serial #5213A. The seller told me it powered on, but they didn't know if it still worked. I knew this purchase could lead me down an expensive rabbit hole. I also knew Universal Lasers have the best reputation in the industry for their small business / hobbyist lasers.
December 3rd, 2020 (Need to exhaust the toxic fumes)
I delivered to the C-200 to my friend Don Matthew's workshop. Don's an Engineer and Electronics Guru. We made a deal that the laser will reside in his workshop. I cover any expenditures it needs. In return he oversees any laser jobs that I need done. We found this Universal Laser C-200 Laser Kiosk User Manual and learned it requires 4" diameter inline fan connected with hose to the base. You need to exhaust the toxic fumes from your workspace. 150 CFM @ 6 inches of static pressure or higher. The best deal I found on the exhaust fan was this 4" inlet / outlet commercial exhaust fan sold by McMaster-Carr. You can find cheaper inline fans on Amazon, but they're going to be thin plastic and loud.
December 24th, 2020. (Laser Tube bad)
After setting up the C-200 Laser Kiosk, we cannot see the Laser when running the program. I contacted Universal Laser Support. Tech Doug Lewis from Florida was quick to respond. Doug told tell me since the unit had sat in storage for a decade, it's likely the Co2 charge in the laser tube is bad. I contacted Universal Laser Head Quarters in Arizona about ordering new laser tube (cartridge). The new laser unit for the C-200 Laser Kiosk part# is 131-0051-R3-A UL-25 LASER and costs $1650.00 with included shipping. They require a "White Glove" exchange, meaning Universal Laser ships new laser tube via UPS and you must give the driver the old laser tube in exchange.
The C-200 Laser Kiosk came with a Dell Inspiron 2500 laptop with Windows 98 and ULS Engraver software pre-installed. The laptop mounts to the side of the C-200 Laser Kiosk with a detachable shelf. This metal shelf includes a conversion cable to connect to the Laser with included 50 pin parallel connector cable. Windows 98 brings you to the desktop, then automatically opens the ULS Engraver program. I couldn't figure out how to bypass this program, so I could return to the desktop. Control-Alt-Delete wouldn't open Windows Task Manager. If you exit the program, it shuts down the laptop. Maybe a keystroke closes the program, but no information was available from the person selling the C-200 Laser Kiosk.
How to stop the ULS Engraver program from starting.
- Start menu and select the Run option.
- Type msconfig and press Enter. System Configuration Utility window opens. Select Startup tab.
- Unselect ULS Engraver
- Apply and Restart.
If ULS Engraver program starts before you can open System Utility Window
- Restart the computer.
- During restart, hold down the Ctrl key until the Windows 98 startup menu appears.
- Choose Safe Mode from the startup menu, and press Enter. Windows starts in Safe Mode.
- Use TAB and arrow keys to Open Start menu and select the Run option.
- Type msconfig and press Enter. System Configuration Utility window should open. Use Right arrow key to select Startup tab.
- Use TAB and down arrow key to scroll down and unselect ULS Engraver
- Apply and Restart.
December 23rd, 2020
I mail a check for $1650 via Priority Mail to Jorge Lopez (info below) at Universal Laser. He told me I would be notified via email when the replacement tube was shipped, so I could anticipate it's arrival and exchange my old tube with the UPS driver.
Jorge Lopez | General Accountant
December 29th, 2020
UPS driver arrives with new laser tube / 131-0051-R3-A for my Universal Laser C-200 Laser Kiosk. This is called a "whiter glove exchange" I open box in front of UPS driver and swap my old laser tube with for new one. The return label is already attached to the box.
January 4th, 2021.
Don emails me to confirm new laser tube is working!
Good machine with robust laser source. Drivers and motion system are a little dated, but easy to work on. Hacked together an air assist and a hex bed standoff. Had my 30W laser source regassed at Photovac in Grove City OH. Local to me and a bit cheaper than the swapping service in AZ.
Mika St
Any updated from the lazer? Was it working after all? I might have a hand on a similar machine, need to know if it’s worth the invest.