How To Smooth PLA 3D Prints with 3M Bondo Filler Primer.
How To Smooth PLA 3D Prints with 3M Bondo Filler Primer.
This is the most simplistic How To Guide in the history of operating MNpctech's Custom Prebuilt Gaming PC Mod Shop.
Follow the easy steps below with photos to smooth your 3D prints. We often 3D printed our custom pieces with PLA-Plus for Mnpctech's prebuilt custom gaming PC's & Case Mods. These prints were 3D printed from PLA-Plus with 100% infill. After these are printed, we hand sand each part to remove the printed layers. Then apply 3M Bondo filler primer. Sand again with 80 grit sandpaper. Repeat applying 3M Bondo fillable primer if necessary until all pieces are smooth. That's all the steps involved in smoothing 3D printed parts and pieces for your projects. If you're a custom builder of projects like us, you don;t have alot of time to hand sand all of your 3D prints. This is the best solution and guide we've discovered in our workshop for smoothing 3D prints.Getting smooth 3D printed parts makes your projects look even better!
1. Sand with 40 grit sandpaper.
2. Sand with 80 grit sandpaper.
3. Apply Bondo Fillable Primer
4. Sand with 80 grit sandpaper
5. Optional: Repeat Bondo Fillable Primer if necessary.
1. Sand with 40 grit sandpaper.
2. Sand with 80 grit sandpaper.
3. Apply Bondo Filller Primer To 3D print. Repeat until smooth.
4. Sand with 80 grit sandpaper
5. Optional: Repeat Bondo Fillable Primer and sand with 80 grit sand paper if necessary.
Of course you're thinking can I skip the sanding and just apply the 3M Bondo Filler Primer alone? You could, but it will take many applications of the filler to build up a thick layer. I strongly recommend sanding the pieces first as shown in the photos above, so you're not wasting the filler. Don't believe me? Just try it yourself and watch your primer filler can quickly drain.